tirsdag 28. april 2009


Today I have been at a inspirations evening on Røa. Gerd Gellein Merkesdal showed the models from her new book, ( and I have quilted one of the quilts in the book). Quiltenet and Ragnhilds Tråd was there with the shop, lots of new fabrics…

And I won a packet with lovely fabrics:009





I nead a break from my feather quilting on Karis quilt:-)


2 kommentarer:

Kari Aspenes sa...

Gratulerer! Fin gevinst som et minne fra en kveld med mye god inspirasjon.

Jeg likte godt fjærmønsteret på blokken min :-)


Gratulere, det var en fin gevinst.
Alltid hyggelig å se innom bloggen din. Ha en fortsatt fin helg :0)